School Cruise 1971


I attach a colour(!) photo of some chums from the early days. I think this is around April or May 1971 somewhere in the Mediterranean.

I recall that we all got a chance to go on the cruise because the itinerary was changed and the ship was to call at the port of Alexandria in Egypt. This was unacceptable to a group from a Jewish school in London so we got their places really cheap, £25 I think.

I can't recall the name of the ship but I do know it was an experience of a lifetime. We saw the Pyramids, the Dead Sea, ancient Greek ruins in Greece and Cyprus, and Venice. I also remember that we steamed past a crippled Russian warship which I later learned was on sea trials and was very new and very secret!

As for the people in the photo, the only one I can remember is Stephen Woolmington who is top right with his arm extended. Some of the others were Canadian as there were some from Canada on the same cruise.

If anybody recognizes anybody I would love to know who they are,


Victor Ward.